I Wear Tight Genes

Wherein I attempt to relate the trials and tribulations of tracking down information on people who are dead, but bear some resemblance to me...when they were alive.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

RIP, Aunt Helen

On December 5th, my Great Aunt Helen died. I'll always remember her as the smiling wife of my Uncle Bud. That great smile that you see in this picture is about 2 steps away from a good chuckle, until she'd fill family reunions with a hearty laugh.

With every passing, a family loses a small key to the past; an individual's view of the inconsequential events that had personal significance to those that shook the world. We can only be consoled in our grief at the loss by the hope and promise evident in our children and our children's children.

You may not have known Helen, but I'm betting that a small contribution in her name to the Alzheimer's Foundation of America in Helen's name would be appreciated by her family and anyone else suffering from this disease.